Very Reverend Canon Joseph Urban
Photo by dorota Jansiewicz
Father Urban was born in the Bialystok region of Poland in 1943. The area was occupied by the Russians during World War II.
Initially the new pastor attended the Seminarium Duchowne located northwest of Warsaw. When the Russians closed the seminary, he transferred to Bialystok. Bishop Henryk Gulbinowicz, now a Cardinal, ordained Father Urban on June 6, 1972.
His first appointment was to a parish in his native diocese. Feeling the call to missionary work, Father Urban prepared by studying Spanish at the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium.
His first missionary assignment was in Argentina. During his six years, Father Urban rebuilt a church and established six mission churches. In 1985 he was asked to found a Polish parish in Dallas. Father Urban established the Parish of Sts. Peter and Paul while ministering to some Polish parishioners in the predominately Spanish-speaking community in Dallas, Lubbock and San Antonio.
On December 15th, 2001 Father Joseph was appointed the Pastor of St. Anthony's of Padua Church in Jersey City, and on February 10th, 2002, Father Joseph was installed its Pastor by the Most Reverend Paul Bootkoski.
On December 30th, 2003 Father Joseph received Honorary Canon Collegiate Chapter in Krypno, Archdiocese of Bialystok in Poland, from Archbishop Wojciech Ziemba.
On June 3rd, 2007, Father Joseph celebrated the 35th Anniversary of Ordination.
Since his appointment to St. Anthony's, Father Joseph has continued in his life's work as missionary and Priest. Father Joseph continues to structurally rebuild, repair and fulfill the spiritual needs of the people no matter where he goes. For Father Joseph, we the Parishioners of St. Anthony of Padua Church are deeply grateful and indebted for his caring, his understanding and his love.